I Pulled Out
Every Single Bolt Attached To My Water Pump And The Pump Needed A ½ Inch Of
Movable Space Inside The Engine Compartment To Come Out.
Do I Have to
Drop the engine To Remove the Water Pump? The Answer Is:
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In the first month of the year 2012 near the first day of the year 2012
I was driving north on the I-25 going to a job site.
I just
recently drove past Denver, Colorado and all a sudden my engine started to overheat I
pulled into a shell station in the very unique town of Loveland, Colorado.
The reason I say unique is because
Colorado has a very unique type of people and Loveland, CO was
just a little north of Denver and the people in that town for some reason
reminded me of pure white milk when looking at the quality of the people there.
I personally don’t drink pure milk; I simply
get my milk by eating dairy products like ice cream and peachy yogurt with whip
cream on top.
Any way I personally feel that the white
people in Colorado take immense pride in their work and buildings and
infrastructure of Colorado show that kind of pride; only a certain distinct type
of cultured people can create a rest stop made of steel concrete and wood
combined in one artistic cultured toilet room. Compared to the rest of the
United States such as New Mexico where their rest stops don’t even have running
water in the urinals.
I’ve been in every part of the United
States and I travel 24/7 on a daily routine covering the USA from Coast to Coast
and I can immediately recognize the difference in a group of people from town to
town as I cover the USA on my route of conducting my financial business.
When my car
overheated it was already 9 p.m. at night and all the auto part stores where
closing, I did manage to get a woman on the phone at Auto Zone, she sounded really
young and good looking and I looked forward to meeting her in person but, that
never happened as a matter of fact the next morning I ended up in the parking
lot of Advanced Auto parts Loveland, CO under a huge tree next to a park with a
river going through it and a public restroom.
It was a perfect environment for a working Mexican American hombre with an overheated car and a huge Rottweiler dog.
The previous night the girl on the phone
who worked for AutoZone determined it was my thermostat, so the first thing I
did in the morning was replace the thermostat and that took about 10 minutes.
The car still overheated with the new
thermostat so I walked into
Advanced Auto parts
and explained my situation and one of the knowledgeable employees suggested I
take off the top radiator hose, then turn on the engine and if water does not
come out that means I need a new
water pump.
I made sure I had
plenty of antifreeze in the system, conducted the test and sure enough there was
no water flow.
That’s a simple problem!
Just throw new parts on the car since I
need new parts any way.
So, I buy a $40.00 new water pump I marked the timing
belt on three gears with white correction fluid so the timing belt would go back on
in the exact same position I removed it without moving a groove associated with
the combustion chamber.
A few hours
later I got every bolt out of the water pump and I’m about to pull this very
flat non bulky water pump off the engine housing it wiggles loose I smile as I
smell success arriving in moments.
Then all a
sudden the spacer holding the motor mount bolt that goes through the water pump
will not allow me to remove the pump without loosening the motor mount bolts and
disconnecting a few peripheral attachments such as the power steering pump etc..
So, I call my kid
who just got a couple of ASE car automotive mechanical repair certifications
part time while he was attending college.
My kid say’s dad
you have to do this and do that.
In other
words the internet and my kid was saying it’s a 10 hour job and you have to drop
the engine or else pull it completely out if you really desire to.
A ½ inch that’s
all I need to get this pump out.
Don’t get me wrong I really do want my son to have a job
pulling someone’s engine out of a car if he can’t find work doing something else
like programming a computer but what happened to moral ethics?
This United
States socialist banana peeling government give’s the automotive industry
billions of dollars to create car’s that need $1,000.00 and 10 hours to install
$40.00 water pump.
If I had another jack
and it wasn’t 24 degrees Fahrenheit outside I might consider pulling my engine
to install my $40.00 water pump.
Listen Government
if you’re going to give Chrysler billions of dollars you better
not be part of the
that requires poor working people to pay $1,000 in labor cost and three days or more
off work without a car to install a $40.00 water pump.
And as for you
Chrysler I will seriously consider every other car on the market before I buy
another Chrysler.
Your ethics
of abusing poor working people who need to install breakable parts like
starters, water pumps and other attachments that used to take around 30 minutes
to install with a few tools now requires a shop and a mechanic with at least
years of experience.
This country will
never function right if poor working people have to ruin their credit and lose
their job simply because they can’t get to work because they junked their car
because it needs a $1,040 water pump.
This type
of deliberate manufacturing rip off engineering, where you absolutely have to
take your car to the very expensive auto repair shop for a water pump is simply
a rip off technique directed at the consumer of today’s cars. It’s simply an
example of multiple abuses of judicial fag power and there should be multiple
laws against teasing consumers with a ½ inch of hard earned hope.
Now if this
country is looking for hope everyone should elect this guy Rick Santorum because
he is singing my tune. He knows the truth about the health care system.
Let me tell
you something when I was driving a taxi in Phoenix Arizona I got accounts from
Medi-care or what they would call
Access or some sort of other name regardless it
was government money and they would only pay a certain amount of money, which is a very
small percentage of the normal fare per mile.
If a Taxi driver
in Phoenix, AZ or anywhere else would have to completely depend on the
government money he would go out of business fast.
A taxi driver in
Phoenix, AZ has to get rides from the private sector the non medi-care public to
really pay his bills and survive.
Santorum knows this and he also knows the truth about fags and is not ashamed of
telling the American public about the truth.
And when it comes to my personal experiences of survival success with Jesus where I’m able to see the sun rise and eat a good meal, and in regards to Rick Santorum who depends on faith in Jesus and the trinity Father, Son, Holy Spirit, for the end results...
He’s rock solid because the devil cannot defeat the will of Jesus.
Vote for this guy
because under the current conditions of the United States hope and prayer is the
only chance the United States has to survive this vicious socialist fag takeover
of every facet of the United States.
Fag’s will
destroy this country from within; from the automotive industry to the banking
industry all the way down to your wallet through the health care system.
We need a
rational government on rock stable ground like Jesus not a president who builds
on a foundation of sand, and makes it legal to have fags in the American
Military etc.
A Military of
fags is only going to seriously piss off God!
Anything related
to male homosexuality angers the Lord and immediate death results.
According to
God’s word a dick is supposed to go into a pussy under the full authorization of
the trinity so that dick and pussy can be blessed and prosper and the offspring
of that dick and pussy has parents filled with the
Holy Spirit
allows Jesus to harvest a larger crop each year.
Jesus is a farmer
and he’s growing salvation.
A dick entering a
pussy without a marriage ceremony in front of a Christian preacher is sin.
Dick entering a
pussy without God’s authorization first is sin and may result in permanent life
without Jesus and a horrific physical death.
If you’re a fag…
You don’t have much of chance to live with Jesus after
your physical life in your physical body expires.
Look for your
expiration date on back of your ass near your asshole.
These words have
been inspired by the Holy Spirit since me, myself and I, as of the year 2009; I currently have
a tangible relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit
Okay, back to the
do not need a banana peeling president who will send you to jail if you don’t buy health care
insurance and many more insane petty laws that will get you to jail.
do not need a president who thinks he has done something for America by bringing
the unemployment down from 10 percent to 8.5 percent and when he entered his
office unemployment was at 7.9 percent.
America please get real, and stop being a male fag and having sexual intercourse with another male because this angers God then; you male fags start sucking your fag neighbors dick then getting poked in your ass, and then all you perverted fags all try to join the military for one big fag party this type of behavior will definitely put you in the red with Jesus, simply stop trying to be a fag and follow Jesus and ask him for forgiveness.
(Note: insane sexual behavior with your married female wife is okay with Jesus and by accepting Jesus as your true living God that rose from the dead is the only way you can please the creator of all life and be forgiven for the sin Adam completed in the Garden of Eden, we are a creation from God and there had to be a first man created by God and that man was Adam according to the word of God the Bible, regardless of the situation we were born a flawed creation that is currently evolving into a perfect creation through the forgiveness of the creators fleshy son named Jesus of Nazareth who died slowly and painfully on the cross then rose from the dead three day's later for our imperfection's).
God had a fleshy son on earth and now his son has a heavenly body
and Jesus left us the Holy Spirit for communication to Jesus and his father
versus man's man made cell phone; and guidance if you accept
God’s son as your savior and God; the #1 only creator of your flesh Jehovah God
will accept you into his eternal home to live with him forever or else without
him and his son Jesus.
Jesus is
very real and when your body stops breathing and pumping blood, your spirit leaves your body
and you will either live with Jesus
or else live without Jesus.
And living without Jesus could be
To make a long story short; I
finally ended up pushing the car across the street from Advanced Auto Parts to
Jacksons automotive repair and they did a great job on the timing as a matter of
fact the car ran smoother and quieter.
The receipt of my water
pump replacement is attached to this webpage as a background picture for your
viewing on the frameset
http://www.taxibabblermouth.com/water_pump.php pleasure.
A personal note of my
thoughts on this subject, if I physically, personally have to pull my motor, a
new motor will go in the hole, its just that simple and it’s just plain wrong to drop or
pull a motor for a water pump or starter.
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