The Kangaroo Man |
Bouncing Tinny Shoes
· Executive Summary: The bouncing tinny shoe was invented by an Australian inventor who lives in the caves of Sydney Australia, his name is Robin Kangaroo MacDonald... Mr. MacDonald did a lot of camping in what they call the bush! One sunny day Mr. MacDonald was picnicking with this very special friend of his, she was blond and blue eyed and lived on the same city block as Mr. MacDonald, as Mr. MacDonald was indulging in his lunch an army of fire ants started to march on the couple's picnic blanket, the ant attack was so enormous Mr. MacDonald grabbed the picnic blanket and started swinging at the fire ants. The violent thrashes of the blanket and the breaking of glass from all the fine picnic utensils made such a ruckus that it stirred up the local kangaroo population. At that moment a hundred or so Kangaroos started to pop out of the bushes and were just hopping everywhere and nearly stomped the 2 picnickers to death but, the kangaroos missed their body parts every time 1 landed near them. Mr. McDonald all sudden had the vision of bouncing tinny shoes powered by miniature gas cylinders that fit into the side soles of the tinny shoes which utilized nano technology to keep the power source consistent that would constantly generate enough pressurized oxygen to power up the shoes for the next jump within seconds of the previous release of air pressure that sprung the end user of the shoe up into the air of 5 to 10 feet. At that moment in mid air flight the shoes reaired in time for a soft landing then it simultaneously deflated at landing impact to insure a soft landing until the next jump which needed a hard stomp of the weare's body to reactivate the shoes for another jump.! Immediately after this vision Mr. MacDonald grabbed his woman companion by the hair and dragged her back to his place and started writing his vision down just like any Australian would do on his first date out with a woman. Next Mr. Macdonald pulled out his test tubes and started inventing and within 4 seconds Mr. MacDonald's formula worked and the couple had a patent pending invention and they both smiled tremendously at that moment with the discovery and they are still smiling about the moment of how effectively their efforts worked in this type of bouncing physical idea that has been made into reality within 4 seconds of testing.. · Current Marketing Situation: At this time the country of Australia has no competitors and the shoe is so unique that a patent search was applied and no one in the world has a shoe that does what Mr. MacDonald's shoe does. So no competitors exists which makes Mr. MacDonald's expansion plan easy to apply if only planned and executed properly. · Threats and Opportunity Analysis: The current threat Mr. MacDonald has is the Chinese government which is always looking for new idea's to copy and create in their industrial nation which analysis's patent pending literature posted on government web sites. If the Australian government is as slow as the American government in issuing a patent from a patent pending Mr. Macdonald's market could be slightly saturated before he even gets funding to mass manufacture his first pair of tinny shoes. The opportunity that arises out of the situation is that if Mr. MacDonald does get started after the Chinese steal his idea he will have only 1 major competitor and could simultaneously market his shoe domestically and internationally and at the same time sue the Chinese government for royalties which would eventually end up in nuclear war between nations respecting each countries patent rights, or the situation could turn into a positive scenario where the Chinese admit they are thieving ideas off of other government patent offices and comply with giving Mr. McDonald royalties with out nuclear war between nations. · Objectives and Issues: The objective for Mr. Macdonald is to come up with the proper marketing name that will internationally accept his new brand of tinny shoe with out stepping on other countries culture and custom toes. The name of his shoe brand will have to be exciting yet translated into other languages to not mean something else offensive which will limit Mr. McDonald's sales to only a certain portion of the world's population. A name like taxi attached to the shoe would make his product accepting in all nations because the word taxi is international and means the same thing in every country. So the public will see this brand name as safe and already accepted into their local and world economy. The issue of manufacturing is finding the right suppliers that will provide speedy dependable service in delivering the raw material product to the manufacturing facility and also searching for the highest quality of raw materials to go into the company because the quality of the raw material makes the quality of the product and quality is everything when it comes to business. The next issue is finding the right personnel for the new tinny shoe operation. A qualified hiring department should screen all the applicants thoroughly and should have some background in the shoe manufacturing shoe business and employees should meet with upper management before hiring to insure no low quality leaks are initiated in the hiring process because a company's employees are the company and represent the quality of the company. · Marketing Strategy: Before initiating a marketing strategy Mr. Macdonald needs to hire surveyors to ask questions in order to pedal his new line of tinny shoes to a specific marketing target. The money spent in finding the niche market so to speak is money well spent in the beginning stages of distributing a new product to the world population. After finding the niche market using internet surveys, telemarketing surveys, face to face surveys in shopping mall and mail order surveys, an attempt to sell domestically is the firs step in a successful marketing strategy and the next step is to attempt finding a partner internationally and start exporting. After the initial export; plans should be made to expand a regional office in other countries. in the process of distributing the new tinny shoe brand name product. · Action Programs: The initial action program of the tinny shoe company is to provide quota sale bonuses to dealers of the name brand of tinny shoes for the first three years of distribution and dominate the air waves of the domestic dealers with in a one mile radius and also do some national advertising consistently to make room for expansion in other market areas. · Budgets: The money that is provided by the stockholders should be accounted for every quarter and receipts and tracing of all funds should be accounted for and investigated by internal investigators within the tinny shoe business start up. The money should be used in planned stages to insure every dollar was put to use in the proper place at the proper time. All impeccable statements should be mailed to all stock holders in a timely on time mailing. All funds should be used ethically and for the purpose of moving the business forward to more profits for its stockholders and trim all the fat of company social functions and in no way should reflect the previous actions of the company Enron. · Controls: The company should ask the government of Australia to put an embargo on china who wants to import the patent copied tinny shoes into the domestic country of origination. Another control is to always be backordered on the new one of a kind tinny shoe to give value to the product so people will always want one and this will justify the price of manufacturing the product and will be the similar strategy Harley Davidson motorcycle is using to sell their motorcycles.
Sources: Gary Armstrong & Philip Kotler (2005) Marketing | An Introduction Gabriel De La Vega Jr. President and Chief Executive Officer of: TAXI BABBLERMOUTH & ACCESSORIES, INC.
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