TAXIBABBLERMOUTH.com First To Provide Semis With Worldwide Mobile Video
Wireless 27-29 Frames Per Second Video Feed With Audio
LAS VEGAS/EWORLDWIRE/July 24, 2003 --- When truckers are trucking, one of
the biggest challenges isn't the road. It's staying connected with family
and friends.
Taxibabblermouth.com opens up new roads for communicating while earning
extra money when on the open road using patent-pending technology.
"I discovered a need for drivers to stay connected when virtually
disconnected by nature of the job," stated Gabriel De La Vega, CEO. "With
live web feed accompanied by audio, truckers can stay in touch whenever and
wherever a cell phone connection is available, many times 24 hours-a-day."
A 13-minute video describing the service is available online at http://www.taxibabblermouth.com/homepagevideo.wmv.
"Today's technology permits good quality video - up to 27 to 29 frames per
second on a hand held Sprint pocket P.C. phone," added De La Vega.
"Television is available at 29 frames per second."
Future internet connections will offer several other methods of connecting
to the internet.
One intended application for development for video broadcast includes
locating missing children utilizing facial recognition software insert
Childs picture into the TAXI BABBLERMOUTH system push a button to search it
may take 2 seconds , 2 minutes, years but the search will go on until the
child is found. also. When a child is announced as missing, TAXI
BABBLERMOUTH & ACCESSORIES, INC. will broadcast a photo of the missing
child, permitting viewers to see the photo in real-time, virtually
The first location identified to construct a facility for the installation
of the system is scheduled for El Paso, Texas.
"The most compelling reason for the selection of El Paso was the number of
drivers available at this location," stated De La Vegas. "A large population
of Mexican and American truck drivers, rv'ers and taxi drivers are in the
area, a natural potential client base as customers for the system."
For drivers looking to get started, a profit-sharing program is designed
that requires participating drivers to leave their cameras on 24 hours per
day 3 weeks out of the month to qualify for profit sharing from all
e-commerce incurred from merchandise sold via the online store.
Drivers will receive an upfront fee of $15.00 on registered users of their
video service bandwidth and credit card processing is presently unlimited.
